מסלול בנירוביולוגיה

Neurobiology - MSc Study


Prerequisites for students who chose neurobiology and their interests is in biochemistry / molecular are: 
A candidate who wishes to perform the thesis in neurobiology within the Faculty, will define the area of interest (biochemical / molecular or system / behavior) and in accordance will registere as a graduate student in a department of the Faculty which specielizes in this field (neurobiology, zoology, biochemistry or one of the other departments in the Faculty). After the departmental committee approved the student’s acceptance the candidate will register as a student in the neurobiology program, within the same department.
Students wishing to study in the Neurobiology program will apply to the Msc acceptance committee. The Program Committee will design a complementary study plan in  accordance with the student’s previous training. The acceptance of the student to the program is conditioned upon the program committee. 
Candidate  from a different field of study will have to complete several courses according to the committee demands.
The student has to choose his supervisor according to his interest prior to his registration.


Basic knowledge of biochemistry, molecular biology and cell biology.
Participation in at least one lab of  the following fields: biochemistry, molecular biology, organic chemistry, genetics, cell biology.

Studies for a master's degree - 30 semester hours


Required faculty courses - 10 s/h

Safety in the Laboratory course (during the first year of studies) – no credit

Guided reading and discussion in research groups – 2 s/h

Departmental seminar for MSc students – each student will participate in the seminar given by the Department in which he performs his research – 2 s/h each year


One of the courses:

  • Biostatistics – 4 s/h
  • Statistical principles in experimental biology – 4 s/h


Compulsory Courses of the program:

  • 0491.3221 - Selected Topics in Neuroscience

Choosing courses from the mandatory basket course – the student  will choose courses of minimum  8 hours :


0455.3237 - Introduction Neurobiology

0455.3064 - Neuroethology: animal models in neurobiology

0455.3051 - Endocrine regulation

0113.5523 - Functional Neuroanatomy  [medicine]

0455.3505 - Brain mapping and brain imaging

0491.3228 - Study brain imaging analysis program of FSL

0491.6000 - Neurophysiology techniques workshop

0491.3224 - Research approaches Neuroimmunology

0491.3225 - Hippocampus and cerebellum as model systems to study neurobiology

0491.3226 - Neural pathways (not given in 2015/2016)

0491.3227 - MRI imaging center seminar


Elective Basket

(courses from Graduate School and a bachelor's degree courses in third year)
The student must complete the study program ( 30 h ) by choosing courses in the Graduate School (other) or courses from third year undergraduate.
Student can also choose courses in other faculties.
 Recommended elective courses:

0455.3515 - Characterization of neurodegenerative diseases by imaging

0455.2807 - Animal Behavior

0455.3363 - Organization transmission dynamics in cells: imaging and biophysical approaches

0455.3798 - Signaling processes mediating proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis

0455.3431 - The molecular approach to learning and memory problems

0455.3516 - Inflammatory processes involved in degenerative diseases of the brain





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