תכנית הלימוד

Study programas

The master's degree program in the Faculty involves courses on a scale of 30 semester hours,
the performance of research work, submission of a written thesis, and a final examination.


The study program in each track is made up as follows:

  1.  Required faculty courses - 10 s/h
     Safety course (during the first year of studies) - without credit
    Guided reading and discussion in the framework of the research group - 2 s/h 
    Departmental seminar for master's degree students - all students will take part in a seminar in the department in which they are carrying out their research work, or in the track seminar (with the approval of the department committee) - 2 s/h a year.
    For courses in medical science (courses beginning with the digits 01)

    one if the courses: Biostatistics - 0431.4063 (4 s/h) OR Statistical principles in experimental biology - 0400.6000 (4 s/h)

  2. Track courses - see details in the relevant track.
    • The track / department committee, in coordination with the advisor, will determine the study program of each student according to the requirements of the track and the department. Students must submit the approved program of courses to the Graduate School Secretariat before the start of the academic year.
    • Any change to the original program of studies requires the advisor's approval. Applications for approval or changes to the study program must be submitted through the Graduate School Secretariat.
    • Students can change their study track, in coordination with the advisor, up to the end of the first semester of their studies.
    • The track committee will follow up fulfillment of the student's study requirements and progress in his or her research work, and ensure compliance with the timetables. Students whose grade average in the first year does not exceed 75 will have their studies terminated by the Graduate School Secretariat, in consultation with the advisor and track committee.
    • Students may only improve their grades in subjects studied in the current academic year. It is not possible to improve a positive grade or take the course again in the following year. There is no limit to the number of subjects in which grades can be improved. Permission to improve a grade is given once for each subject.
    • Students who take an examination more than once in a course - the last grade will be the final grade.
    • Papers must be submitted by the due date given in advance by the course teacher. There is no late date for submission of papers.
    • Elective courses whose grade is only pass / fail may not be taken.
  3. Elective courses - making up to 30 s/h

    Courses can be taken from the overall list of Graduate School courses and from third year undergraduate courses.

    According to the university regulations for a master's degree, participation in undergraduate courses will be permitted on a scale of no more than 25% of the study program, and no more than three courses.

    Students may choose a course from outside the Faculty on a scale of no more than 4 semester hours, on a subject unrelated to their field of study. This requires the advance authorization of the track committee. Courses taken in the framework of  a "teaching diploma" are not included in this arrangement.

    The grades of courses from other faculties that are part of the student's study program will be taken into account when weighting the final grade for the degree.

  4. Students whose research paper will include working with laboratory animals must take the course "Principles of the use of laboratory animals in bio-medical research", given by the Faculty of Medicine, as part of their elective courses.


Surplus courses

  • Surplus undergraduate degree courses (third year elective courses only) that are not included in the number of hours and final weighting for the degree, may be carried over for inclusion in the number of hours for the master's degree, if approved by the track committee. Credit for such courses will be no more than 6 semester hours. 
  • For students required to take supplementary courses who have surplus courses, the overall credit for courses from the two categories will not exceed 6 s/h, on condition that the total of the student's undergraduate courses is no more than 25% of the number of courses for the degree.
  • Students taking additional elective courses beyond what is required of the degree may, on completion of their studies and all the requirements for the degree, take out one course from the weighting of the final grade for the degree and transfer it to a surplus framework.
  • Surplus courses from another university will be credited with the number of hours for the degree, without a grade.
  • Courses studied for another degree in another faculty will not credit the student with hours towards a degree in the Faculty.
  • During their master's degree studies, with the approval of the Faculty, students may study six surplus semester hours for the purpose of enrichment (beyond the number of hours required for the degree), without payment. Credit will be given on completion of studies. The student must apply to the Graduate School Secretariat on completion of his or her studies.

Below are the criteria by which the Faculty will approve a surplus course: 

  1. The course is one that fulfils the requirements, whose final grade is a positive grade (and not 230/250/260).
  2. The course does not replace a required course or a course that is a precondition for another course in the degree studies.
  3. The course does not replace a course that the student has failed.
  4.  The course does not repeat a course that has already been taken.


Courses from another university

Courses or workshops outside the university may be awarded credit towards the PhD degree in accordance with the following criteria:

In all cases, the course syllabus must describe course assignments or tasks. The course work will be evaluated with a final grade. In the event that there is no final grade, a letter by the student’s doctoral committee should accompany the request.

Courses of 3 days may be awarded 1 credit point while courses lasting a week (5 days) may be awarded 2 credit points. Courses of 2 weeks or longer will be evaluated on a case to case basis. A maximum of 4 credit points (up to 2 such courses) can be awarded during a student's training.

In all cases, no credits will be awarded without approval of the faculty PhD committee, which must evaluate the syllabus and actual participation in the course.    


 Courses given in English

In order to enable foreign students to join the Graduate School study programs, it has been decided that in every Graduate School course in which there is a student who does not speak Hebrew, one of the following two options will be given:

  1.  The teacher will give the course in English and the final assignment will be given both in Hebrew and in English.
  2.  If the course is given in Hebrew, the teacher will undertake to help the student and provide course contents in English, at the same level and scope as the material in Hebrew.





אוניברסיטת תל אביב עושה כל מאמץ לכבד זכויות יוצרים. אם בבעלותך זכויות יוצרים בתכנים שנמצאים פה ו/או השימוש שנעשה בתכנים אלה לדעתך מפר זכויות
שנעשה בתכנים אלה לדעתך מפר זכויות נא לפנות בהקדם לכתובת שכאן >>