המסלול בזיאולוגיה

Zoology - MSc Study


People applying to study in the zoology track should study the list of teachers in the Department of Zoology and the subjects offered for final papers, and talk to the teacher under whose guidance they wish to write their thesis. This should be done alongside and independent of registration for studies.


Study program

Scope of studies for a master's degree - 30 semester hours


Required faculty courses - 6 s/h


Safety in the Laboratory course (during the first year of studies) – no credit

Guided reading and discussion in research groups – 2 s/h

Departmental seminar for MSc students – each student will participate in the seminar given by the Department in which he performs his research – 2 s/h each year



In the zoology track, the following courses are required:





2 s/h

Research program


4 s/h






Supplementary requirements for students admitted to the zoology track:

Students who have not studied the courses below, or similar courses, during their undergraduate studies (at the discretion of the master's degree studies coordinator in the department and/or the teacher of the relevant course) will be required to make up the following courses: evolution, ecology, general genetics, and one of the following three courses: introduction to the animal world, invertebrates, advanced vertebrates.


Courses with field trips:

Students who have not participated in at least five semester hours of courses with a field trip during their undergraduate degree will be required to make up scope of hours from the following courses:

  • Invertebrates - comparative functional aspects - 6 s/h
  • Faunistics of vertebrates, reptiles and mammals - 6 s/h
  • Insect faunistics A + B - 6 s/h
  • Issues in the classification and biology of Red Sea invertebrates - 4 s/h
  • Introduction to plankton - 4 s/h
  • Introduction to the ecological system of the Gulf of Eilat  - 5 s/h
  • Introduction to ichthyology - 4 s/h
  • Bio-geography
  • Other courses with field trips, at the discretion of the department's supervisor of master's degree studies.


The remaining hours (after supplementary courses, track requirements, and required courses):

These can be made up from the Graduate School courses and/or third-year courses in biology (or a course from another faculty, in accordance with the guidelines appearing in the bulletin).


The inter-university courses held at the marine laboratory in Eilat can be seen on the marine laboratory website


To the Zoology department >>



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