פרופ' עדינה ברימן

אמריטוס בביה"ס למדעי הצמח ואבטחת מזון
ביה"ס למדעי הצמח ואבטחת מזון אמריטוס
ניווט מהיר:
פרופ' עדינה ברימן
טלפון פנימי: 052-4698184
פקס: 03-6405958
משרד: בריטניה, 605



Period Degree Subject Institute
1964-1969 M.Sc Microbiology Tel Aviv University
1972-1977 Ph.D Plant Physiology Tel Aviv University



Period Rank/Function School/Department Institute
2015-present Prof. Emerita School of Food security TAU
2013-2014 Sabbatical CNRS Gif sur Yvette France
2000-2014 Full  Professor Plant Sciences TAU
2001-2002 Sabbatical U/C Berkeley
1997-2000 Head of Department Department of Plant Sciences TAU
1993-2000 Associate Professor Dept. of Botany  TAU
1990-1991 Sabbatical U.S.D.A Bethesda, MD
1987-1993 Senior Lecturer Botany TAU
1983-1987 Lecturer Botany TAU
1981-1983 Fogarty Postdoc fellow NIH,NCI Bethesda, MD, USA
1979-1981 Post doctoral fellow Plant genetics Weizmann Institute of  Science


Research Interests

My research was focused in understanding the capacity of plants to cope with heat stress. We have studied the function of co chaperones from the FK506 binding family (FKBPs) on heat stress and their interaction with heat shock proteins such as HSP90, and other co chaperones. I have studied also mitochondrial genes in plants, their organization and function. With several collaborations we have studied protein biogenesis, namely the post translational modification of proteins in the exit from the ribosome and chaperonins functions.

Selected Publications

Book: Galun, E. & A. Breiman, 1997. Transgenic plants. Ed. Chiang, Y.K., Imperial College Press, Singapore, London.


Publications since 2000


Kurek. I Harvey A., Lonsdale DM & A. Breiman. Molecular analysis of the wheat FKBP73 promoter 2000 Plant Mol. Biol ,42,489-497


Herman E.,Dwivedi RS,  Breiman A. 2000 Intracellular localisation of the wheat FKBPs. The wFKBP73 is associated with the provacuoles and the wFKBP77 is accumulating in the nucleus after heat stress. Planta , 215,119-126.


Carol R.J., Breiman A, Erel N., VittoriosoP., Bellini C. 2001 Pasticcino1 (AtFKBP69)is a nuclear –localised peptidyl pro;yl cis trans isomerase required during arabidopsis embryogenesis  Plant Sciences161, 527-535.


Kurek, I., R. Dulberger, D. Sudhakar, P. Christou & A. Breiman, 2002. Deletion of the C  terminal 138 amino acids abrogates calmodulin binding, dimerisation and male fertility in transgenic rice. Plant Mol.Biol .48, 369-381.   


Breiman A & I. Camus 2002.The involvement of the mammalian and plant FK506 binding   proteins in development (FKBPs) Transgenic   Research 11,321-335.(invited review).


 Kurek I., F. Pirkl, E. Fischer, J. Buchner & A. Breiman, 2002. The wheat FKBP73 functions in vitro as a molecular chaperone independent of its peptidyl prolyl cis -trans isomerase activity. Planta 215,119-126.


 Kurek. I., E. Stoger, R. Dulberger, P. Christou & A. Breiman 2002. Over expression of the wheat FKBP77 and the heat induced FKBP77 in the transgenic wheat reveals different function of the two isoforms Transgenic Research 11,373-379.


Harell J, Kurek I, Breiman A, Radanyi C, Renoir JM, Pratt WB, Galigniana MD 2002 The Hsp90-binding immunophilins of wheat,wFKBP73 and wFKBP77 interact with cytoplasmic dynein via their peptidyl prolyl isomerase domains  Biochemistry 17,5581-5587.


Dwivedi R, Breiman A, Herman E, 2003. Differential distribution of the cognate and heat-stress-induced isoforms of high Mr cis-trans prolyl peptidyl isomerase (FKBP) in the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm J. Experimental Botany 393, 2679-2689.


 Magiri E, Pisanti O.,Breiman A 2006,The rice  large FKBPs are differentially expressed during development and heat stress  Plant Sciences ,170 ,695-704


Aviezer-Hagai K,  Skovorodnikova J, Galigniana M, Farchi-Pisanti O, Maaayan E, Bocovza S,  Efrat Y, von Koskull –Doring P, Ohad N, Breiman A 2007  Arabidopsis immunophilins ROF1( At FKBP62) and ROF2( At FKBP65) exhibit  tissue specificity  are heat stress induced and bind HSP90. Plant Mol. Biol 63,237-255


Meiri D & Breiman.A 2009 Arabidopsis ROF1 (FKBP62) modulates thermotolerance by interacting with HSP90.1 and affecting the accumulation of HsfA2-regulated sHSPs. Plant Journal 59:387-399


 Meiri D,Tazat K, Cohen-Peer.R, Farchi-Pisanty O, Aviezer-Hagai K,Avni A, Breiman A 2010 . The involvement of Arabidopsis ROF2 (FKBP65) in thermotolerance. Plant Mol. Biol. 72,191-203


Cohen-Peer R, Schuster S, Meiri D, Breiman A, Avni A. Sumoylation of Arabidopsis heat shock factor A2 (HsfA2) modifies its activity during acquired thermotholerance Plant Mol Biol. 2010 74(1-2):33-45.


 Unger T, Dym O, Albeck S, Jacobovitch Y, Bernehim R, Marom D, Pisanty O, Breiman A. 2010 Crystal structure of the three FK506 binding protein domains of wheat FKBP73: evidence for a unique wFK73_2 domain. J Struct Funct Genomics.11,113-123


Vitlin A, Weiss C, Demishtein-Zohary K, Rasouly A, Levin D, Pisanty-Farchi O, Breiman A, Azem A. 2011 Chloroplast β chaperonins from A. thaliana function with endogenous cpn10 homologs in vitro. Plant Mol Biol. 77(1-2):105-15.


Lighezan L, Meiri D· Breiman A, Neagu A.. Circular dichroism and the secondary structure of the ROF2 protein from Arabidopsis thaliana 2013 J Biol Phys, 39:635–648


Breiman A  2014  Plant Hsp90 and its co-chaperones 2014. Curr Protein Pept Sci. May;15(3):232-44.


Sela H1, Ezrati S, Ben-Yehuda P, Manisterski J, Akhunov E, Dvorak J, Breiman A, Korol A.  Israel  2014. Linkage disequilibrium and association analysis of stripe rust resistance in wild emmer wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccoides) population in Theor Appl Genet. 127(11):2453-63.


Lopez-Alvarez D, Manzadena AJ, Rey PJ ,Giraldo P ,Breiman A ,Ezrati S, Catalan P 2015. Environmental niche variation and evolutionary diversification of the  Brachypodium distachon grass complex species in their Mediterranean range American J. Bot. 102(7) 1073-88


Breiman A, Fieulaine S, Meinnel T, Giglione C(2016) The intriguing realm of protein biogenesis Biochim. Biophys.Acta 1864(5)531-50


Breiman A Azem A 2018  Editorial Type I chaperonins:Mechanism and beyond  Front Mol Biosci July31;5;72

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