פרופ' דניאל חיימוביץ

Research Interests
My lab focuses on two distinct projects:
- Understanding the role of the COP9 signalosome (CSN) in regulating development. This is the oldest project in the lab, and probably what we're most well known for. The CSN is a multi-subunit protein complex that I originally identified in Arabidopsis, but which we later showed to be essential for animal development as well. We are using a combination of genetic, molecular and genomic approaches to dissect the varied roles of the CSN in the development of plants and animals, using both Arabidopsis and Drosophila as model systems.
- Recently we got interested in the question of what anti-cancer chemicals found in plants do for the plant. Particularly we're studying indole-3-carbinol (I3C), a phytochemical found in vegetables like broccoli and mustard that has also been reported effective in killing breast and prostate cancer cells. We are working out the mechanisms by which these chemicals modulate plant biology.
Recent Publications
Katz, E, Nisani, S, Sela, M, Behar, H, Chamovitz, DA (2015). The effect of indole-3-carbinol on PIN1 and PIN2 in Arabidopsis roots. Plant Signaling & Behavior, e1062200.
Katz, E, Nisani, S, Yadav, BS, Woldemariam, MG, Shai, B, Obolski, U, Ehrlich, M, Shani, E, Jander, G, and Chamovitz, DA (2015). The glucosinolate breakdown product indole-3-carbinol acts as an auxin antagonist in roots of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J. 82, 547-555.
Meir, M, Galanty, Y, Kashani, L, Blank, M, Khosravi, R, Fernandez-Avila, MJ, Cruz-Garcia, A, Star, A, Shochot, L, Thomas, Y, Garrett, LJ, Chamovitz, DA, Bodine, DM, Kurz, T, Huertas, P, Ziv, Y, Shiloh, Y (2015). The COP9 signalosome is vital for timely repair of DNA double-strand breaks. Nucleic Acids Res. Gkv270.
Singer, R, Atar, S, Atias, O, Oron, E, Segal, D, Hirsch, J, Tuller, T, Orian, A, Chamovitz, DA (2014) Drosophila COP9 Signalosome Subunit 7 interacts with multiple genomic loci to regulate development. Nucleic Acids Research, 42: 9761-9770.
Xie, T, Pan, L, Wang, S, Lu, T, Weng, CJ, Song, XQ, Park, J, Sun, J, Yang, ZH, Yu, J, Tang, H, McKearin, D, Chamovitz, DA and Ni, JQ (2014) Protein Competition Switches The Function of COP9 From Self-Renewal to Differentiation. Nature, doi:10.1038/nature13562.
Li, Y, Fan, K, Mitra, NJ, Chamovitz, DA, Cohen-Or, D, and Chen, B (2013) Analyzing growing plants from 4D point cloud data. ACM Transactions on Graphics 32: article 157.
Kotiguda, GG, Weinberg, D, Dessau, M, Salvi, C, Serino, G, Chamovitz, DA, and Hirsch, JA (2012) The organization of a CSN5-containing subcomplex of the COP9 signalosome. J Biol Chem 87: 42031-41
Halimi, Y., Dessau, M., Pollak, S., Ast, T., Erez, T., Livnat-Levanon, N., Karniol, B., Hirsch, J.A., and Chamovitz, D.A. (2011). COP9 signalosome subunit 7 from Arabidopsis interacts with and regulates the small subunit of ribonucleotide reductase (RNR2). Plant Mol Biol 77, 77-89. Abstract
Chamovitz, D.A. (2010). Life in science. Lab family feud. Science 330, 1177. Abstract
Atias, O., Chor, B., and Chamovitz, D.A. (2009). Large-scale analysis of Arabidopsis transcription reveals a basal co-regulation network. BMC Syst Biol 3, 86. Abstract
Chamovitz, D.A. (2009). Revisiting the COP9 signalosome as a transcriptional regulator. EMBO Rep 10, 352-358. Abstract
Knowles, A, Koh, K, Wu, JT, Chien, CT, Chamovitz, DA, and Blau, J (2009). The COP9 Signalosome is required for light-dependent TIM degradation and Drosophila clock resetting. Journal of Neuroscience 29, 1152-1162. Abstract
Dessau, M, Halimi, Y, Erez, T, Chomsky-Hecht, O, Chamovitz, DA, and Hirsch, JA (2008). The Arabidopsis COP9 Signalosome Subunit 7 Is a Model PCI Domain Protein with Subdomains Involved in COP9 Signalosome Assembly. Plant Cell, 20, 2815-2834 Abstract
Halimi, Y and Chamovitz, DA (2008) An Introduction to the PCI Complexes and the Ubiquitin Proteasome System (UPS) in Plant Development. In: Intracellular Signaling in Plants, Z. Yang, Ed. Oxford, Blackwell Publishing, (pp. 273-305).
Caspi, N, Levin, I, Chamovitz, DA and M. Reuveni. (2008) A mutation in the tomato DDB1 gene affects cell and chloroplast compartment size and CDT1 transcript. Plant Signal Behav. 3, 641-649. Abstract
Paz-Aviram, T, Yahalom, A and Chamovitz, DA (2008) Arabidopsis eIF3e interacts with subunits of the ribosome, Cop9 signalosome and proteasome. Plant Signal Behav 3: 409-411. Abstract
Rencus-Lazar, S, Amir Y, Wu, J-T, Chien, C-T, Chamovitz, DA, and Segal, D (2008) The proto-oncogene Int6 is essential for neddylation of Cul1 and Cul3. PLoSOne, 3(5): e2239. Abstract
Oren-Giladi, P., Krieger, O., Edgar, B.A., Chamovitz, D.A., and Segal, D. (2008). Cop9 signalosome subunit 8 (CSN8) is essential for Drosophila development. Genes Cells 13, 221-231. Abstract
Yahalom, A., Kim, T.H., Roy, B., Singer, R., von Arnim, A.G., and Chamovitz, D.A. (2008). Arabidopsis eIF3e is regulated by the COP9 signalosome and has an impact on development and protein translation. Plant J 53, 300-311. Abstract
Oron, E., Tuller, T., Li, L., Rozovsky, N., Yekutieli, D., Rencus-Lazar, S., Segal, D., Chor, B., Edgar, B.A., and Chamovitz, D.A. (2007). Genomic analysis of COP9 signalosome function in Drosophila melanogaster reveals a role in temporal regulation of gene expression. Mol Syst Biol 3, 108. Abstract
Harari-Steinberg, O., Cantera, R., Denti, S., Bianchi, E., Oron, E., Segal, D., and Chamovitz, D.A. (2007). COP9 signalosome subunit 5 (CSN5/Jab1) regulates the development of the Drosophila immune system: effects on Cactus, Dorsal and hematopoiesis. Genes Cells 12, 183-195. Abstract
Dessau, M., Chamovitz, D.A., and Hirsch, J.A. (2006). Expression, purification and crystallization of a PCI domain from the COP9 signalosome subunit 7 (CSN7). Acta Crystallograph Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun 62, 1138-1140. Abstract
Malec, P., and Chamovitz, D.A. (2006). Characterization and purification of kinase activities against Arabidopsis COP9 Signalosome subunit 7. Israel Journal of Chemistry 46, 239-246. Abstract
Tuller, T., Oron, E., Makavy, E., Chamovitz, D.A., and Chor, B. (2005). Time-Window Analysis of Developmental Gene Expression Data with Multiple Genetic Backgrounds. In Algorithms in Bioinformatics, R. Casadio, and G. Myers, eds. (Berlin, Springer Verlag), pp. 53-64.Abstract
Gemmill, R.M., Lee, J.P., Chamovitz, D.A., Segal, D., Hooper, J.E., and Drabkin, H.A. (2005). Growth suppression induced by the TRC8 hereditary kidney cancer gene is dependent upon JAB1/CSN5.
Oncogene 24, 3503-3511. Abstract
Kim, T.H., Kim, B.H., Yahalom, A., Chamovitz, D.A., and von Arnim, A.G. (2004). Translational regulation via 5' mRNA leader sequences revealed by mutational analysis of the Arabidopsis translation initiation factor subunit eIF3h. Plant Cell 16, 3341-3356. Abstract
Harari-Steinberg, O., and Chamovitz, D.A. (2004). The COP9 signalosome: mediating between kinase signaling and protein degradation. Current Protein and Peptide Science 5, 185-189. Abstract
von Arnim, A.G., and Chamovitz, D.A. (2003). Protein Homeostasis: A Degrading Role for Int6/eIF3e. Curr Biol 13, R323-325.Abstract
Chamovitz, D.A., and Yahalom, A. (2003). A systems approach to the COP9 signalosome. Plant Physiol 132, 426-427. Abstract
Oron, E, Mannervik, M, Rencus, S, Harari-Steinberg, O, Neuman-Silberberg, FS, Segal, D and Chamovitz, DA. (2002) COP9 signalosome subunits 4 and 5 regulate multiple pleiotropic pathways in Drosophila melanogaster Development 129: 4399-4409. Abstract
Chamovitz, D.A., Glickman, M. (2002) The COP9 Signalosome Curr Biol 12: R232. Abstract
Yahalom, Y. and Chamovitz, D.A. (2002) ). Expression of recombinant proteins. In: Molecular Plant Biology: A Practical Approach. Eds: P. Gilmartin and C. Bowler. (Oxford: Oxford University Press). pp. 111-122. Abstract
Malec, P, Yahalom, A and Chamovitz, DA. (2002) Identification of a light-regulated protein kinase activity from seedlings of Arabidopsis thaliana Photochem Photobiol 75: 178-183. Abstract
Suh, GSB, Poeck, B, Chouard, T, Oron, E, Segal, D, Chamovitz, DA and Zipursky, SL. (2002) Drosophila JAB1/CSN5 acts in photoreceptor cells to induce glial cells Neuron 33: 35-46. Abstract
Harari-Stienberg, O, Ohad I, and Chamovitz DA (2001) Dissection of the light signal transduction pathways regulating the two Early light induced protein genes in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol 127: 986-97. Abstract
Kim, T-H, Hofmann, K, von Arnim, AG and Chamovitz, DA(2001) The PCI complexes: pretty complex interactions in diverse signaling pathways Trends Plant Sci 6: 379-386.
Chamovitz, DA and Segal, D (2001) JAB1/CSN5 and the COP9 signalosome. A complex situation EMBO Rep. 2: 96-101 Abstract
Yahalom, A, Kim, TH, Winter, E, Karniol, B, von Arnim, AG and Chamovitz, DA (2001) Arabidopsis eIF3e (INT6) associates with both eIF3c and the COP9 signalosome subunit CSN7 J Biol Chem 276: 334-40. Abstract
Karniol, B and Chamovitz, DA (2000) The COP9 signalosome: From light signaling to general developmental regulation and back. Curr Opin Plant Biol 3: 387-93 Abstract
Deng, XW, Dubiel, W, Wei, N, Hofmann, K, Mundt, K, Colicelli, J, Kato, J, Naumann, M, Segal, D, Seeger, M, Carr, A, Glickman, M and Chamovitz, DA. (2000) Unified nomenclature for the COP9 signalosome and its subunits: an essential regulator of development Trends Genet 16: 202-3. Abstract
Freilich, S, Oron, E, Kapp, Y, Nevo-Caspi, Y, Orgad, S, Segal, D and Chamovitz, DA. (1999) The COP9 signalosome is essential for development of Drosophila melanogaster Curr Biol 9: 1187-90. Abstract
Karniol, B, Malec, P and Chamovoitz DA (1999) Arabidopsis FUSCA5 Encodes a Novel Phosphoprotein That Is a Component of the COP9 Complex Plant Cell 11: 839-848. Abstract
Karniol, B, Yahalom, A, Kwok, S, Tsuge, T, Matsui, M, Deng, XW and Chamovitz, DA. (1998) The Arabidopsis homologue of an eIF3 complex subunit associates with the COP9 Complex. FEBS Lett 439: 173-9. Abstract
Chamovitz, DA and Deng, X-W (1998) Molecular Approaches to Biochemical Purification: The COP9 Complex Paradigm In: Cellular Integration of Signaling Pathways in Plant Development. Eds: F. Lo Schiavo, R. L. Last, G. Morelli and N. V. Raikhel. (Berlin: Springer-Verlag). pp. 83-91. Abstract
Moscovici-Kadouri, S and Chamovitz, DA (1997) Characterization of a cDNA encoding the Early Light-Inducible Protein (ELIP) (Accession No. U89014) from Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol 115: 1287. Abstract
Chamovitz, D.A. and Deng, X.-W. (1997) The COP9 Complex: A link between photomorphogenesis and general developmental regulation? Plant Cell Environ 20: 734-39. Abstract