שיטות בביולוגיה מולקולרית ותאית (0452.3117)

עודכן: 27.06.2019

שם הקורס באנגלית: Basic Techniques in Molecular and Cellular Biology



סוג: שיעור


ימים ושעות הקורס

מספר קורס סמסטר יום משעה עד שעה בניין חדר
0452.3117.01 א ד 12:00 14:00 בריטניה 222




The course will cover a variety of methods for analyzing DNA, RNA, proteins and cells.

Some of the methods covered for DNA and RNA analysis are: Advanced Cloning techniques, Real time PCR, digital droplet PCR, southern blotting and northern blotting, DNA Microarrays, Next generation sequencing, single cell sequencing, In situ hybridization (FISH and CISH), Chromatin immunoprecipitation (CHIP).

For protein analysis: Pulse-chase analysis, western blotting, immunoprecipitation, determination of protein-protein interactions (FRET, BRET, pull down, split protein systems), protein complexes (isolation, 2D gels, basics of mass spectrometry and proteomics), Separation of protein complexes and organelles (subcellular fractionation, gradients).

For cell analysis and microscopy: FACS analysis, immunofluorescence, live cell imaging, confocal microscopy, TIRF, super resolution (STED, STORM), SNAP/Halo-tag, FRAP, FRET, basics of electron microscopy and fluorescence-EM correlation.

The course will also have exercises included in the lecture schedule and possible visits to research laboratories and imaging facilities.

דרישות קדם: Cell biology, Molecular biology and biotechnology.
נוכחות חובה
מטלת סיום: בחינה בכתב
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