קורסים הניתנים בשפה האנגלית

Course No. Course Name
0400.6000 Statistics
0400.3105.02 Toolbox for the life sciences - not given in 2019/20
0453.4395, 0453.3395 Topics in present day Microbiology
0453.3388 Antibody Engeeniring
0421.4129 The RNA World - past and present - not given in 2019/20
0421.3804 Methods in Structural Biology
0421.3811 Selected chapters in cancer biology
0421.3814 Mechanisms of Enzymatic Catalysis
0421.4130 Molecular Biology of Membranes
0421.3816 Introduction to Structural Biology
0421.3815 Modeling of Biological Networks - not given in 2019/20
0453.4115 The hologenome concept: role of microbiota in the fitness and evolution of humans, animals and plants
0453.4103 Microbial Ecology - not given in 2019/20
0431.3086 Community Ecology
0431.4616 Macroecology - Not given in 2019/2020
0453.3394 From the DNA to the population
0453.3397, 0453.4397 Topics in present day genetics
0440.4998 M.Sc. Seminar in Molecular Microbiology & Biotechnology
0440.3125 Advanced cell biology: Cellular responses to stress in health diseases
0452.3123 Tools in bioinformatics
0452.3117 Methods in Molecular and Cell biology
0411.3129 Bioethics and Biotechnology - Not given in 2019/2020
0400.1001 Safety in the Laboratory
0431.3128 Theories and tools for Spatial Biology
0466.4006 Food Security Policy and Economics
0466.4003 Introduction to Food Security
0466.4004 Bioethics
0466.4007 Food Security and Nutrition
0452.1116 Manipulation of gene function: from a research tool to Precision Medicine - Not given in 2019/2020
0491.3340 Advanced topic in MRI - Not given in 2019/2020
2172.3315 Scientific / Academic Writing for PhD & Msc Students in the Life Sciences
0455.3082 Global change ecology
0455.3064 Neuroethology
0455.3090 Sensory Systems
0411.4614 Selected Topics in Plant Sciences
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