כתיבה מדעית לתלמידי מדעי החיים למאסטרנטים/דוקטורנטים (2172.3315)
שם הקורס: כתיבה מדעית מדעי החיים לדוקטורנטים (מאסטרנטים ראו למטה)
שם הקורס באנגלית: Scientific / Academic Writing for PhD Students in the Life Sciences
סוג: שיעור ותרגיל
ימים ושעות הקורס
מספר קורס | סמסטר | יום | משעה | עד שעה | בניין | חדר |
2172.3315.01 | א | ה | 12:00 | 14:00 | שרמן | 009 |
2172.3315.06 | ב | ה | 12:00 | 14:00 | שרמן | 009 |
Instructor: Harriet Rubin
Office: Webb Room 210 Office Hour: by appointment
email: harrietrubin18@gmail.com
This course is designed to help students acquire strategies to improve their academic and scientific writing in English required for their PhD studies in the various genres as required by journals, grant/academic committees and scientific conferences.
Students will go through the process of writing and revising their papers, which may be based on their current research. They will also prepare an oral presentation.
Course Objectives– During the weekly sessions we will:
• Discuss the principles of academic/scientific writing and writing conventions (including citation methods and generators)
• Establish and practice elements of style (e.g., conciseness, sentence variation)
• Demonstrate principles of English grammar (e.g., appropriate verb tenses) and vocabulary commonly used in academic papers
• Explore the social context of scientific/academic discourse (e.g., hedging, modesty)
• Discuss extra-textual elements in scientific texts (e.g., presentation of figures, tables)
• Practice peer evaluation of writing
• Develop revision strategies
• Develop oral presentation skills
• Explore various writing web sources
Course Topics and Requirements:
Students will be asked to prepare written and oral assignments related to their actual work
• Introduction section of research
• Methods and Materials
• Results and Discussion
• Abstract – for a journal or conference
• Professional writing – e.g., applying for post-doc position, academic bios, progress reports
• "Elevator Pitch"
• Oral Presentation
The major writing tasks will be done in 3 stages:
1. The student prepares a DRAFT of a writing task and submits it to the teacher.
2. The paper is REVISED taking into consideration the feedback on the draft or discussed at a personal conference.
3. The student RESUBMITS the ORIGINAL DRAFT and the REVISED paper for further discussion and negotiation. The major emphasis is on an open dialogue between student and teacher.
Weekly Sessions
• The class will meet on Thursdays 12:15 – 13:45.
• Those who are absent more than 3 times may be dropped from the course.
• Students will receive individual feedback on their tasks on a regular basis.
• During the first few weeks of the semester, students will have a brief meeting with the instructor to get input on the writing sample they submitted during the first week of the course as well as discuss the topics of their writing tasks. These meetings will be scheduled separately.
• Teacher will maintain a website in Moodle (http://moodle.tau.ac.il) and provide additional instructional materials and excerpts from professional books and sources.
• Students will be responsible to bring to class 3 model articles from top level journals in their field preferably written by a native writer of English.
These can be stored on a disk-on-key, Dropbox or other media.
• University level dictionary and thesaurus are recommended online/offline.
Evaluation of Student Work
• Teacher Assessment of student work in progress – Emphasis is on the process of improvement.
• Peer evaluation – feedback from students in class discussions.
שם הקורס: כתיבה מדעית מדעי החיים למסטרנטים
שם הקורס באנגלית: Scientific / Academic Writing for MSc Students in the Life Sciences
סוג: שיעור ותרגיל
ימים ושעות הקורס
מספר קורס | סמסטר | יום | משעה | עד שעה | בניין | חדר |
2172.3315.09 | ב | ב | 12:00 | 14:00 |
Lecturer: Dr. Ayelet Sasson
Office: Webb Room 210 Office Hour: by appointment
This course is designed to help students acquire strategies to improve their academic and scientific writing in English required for their PhD studies in the various genres as required by journals, grant/academic committees and scientific conferences.
Students will go through the process of writing and revising their papers, which may be based on their current research. They will also prepare an oral presentation
Course Objectives– During the weekly sessions we will:
- Discuss the principles of academic/scientific writing and writing conventions
- Establish and practice elements of style (e.g., conciseness, sentence variation)
- Demonstrate principles of English grammar (e.g., appropriate verb
- tenses) and vocabulary commonly used in academic papers
- Explore the social context of scientific/academic discourse (e.g., hedging, modesty)
- Discuss visual elements in scientific texts and presentations (e.g., presentation of figures, tables)
- Practice peer evaluation of writing
- Develop self-editing and revision strategies
- Develop oral presentation skills
- Explore writing web sources for future reference
Course Topics and Requirement
Students will be asked to prepare written and oral assignments related to their actual work:
- Presenting yourself and your research (Elevator Pitch)
- Introduction Section of empirical research/dissertation
- Methods and Materials
- Results and Discussion
- Abstract – for a journal or conference
- Professional writing – applying for post-doc, personal statement, cover letters and CVs
- Oral Presentation
The major writing tasks will be done in 3 stages:
- The student prepares a draft of a writing task and submits it to the teacher.
- The paper is revised taking into consideration the feedback on the draft or discussed at a personal conference.
- The student resubmits the original draft and the revised paper for further discussion and negotiation. The major emphasis is on an open dialogue between student and teacher.
Weekly Sessions
- The class meets weekly in a computer lab.
- In addition, students will receive individual feedback on their tasks on a regular basis
- Students are invited to set up meetings with the instructor for assistance/advice re: their English language writing and presentation needs.
- Those who are absent more than three times may be dropped from the course.
- Teacher will maintain a website in Moodle http://moodle.tau.ac.il and provide additional instructional materials and excerpts from professional books and sources.
- Students will be responsible to bring to class 3 model articles from top level journals in their field preferably written by a native writer of English.
These can be stored on a disk-on-key, Dropbox or other media. - University level dictionary and thesaurus are recommended online/offline
Evaluation of Student Work
- Teacher Assessment of student work in progress – Emphasis is on the process of improvement.
- Peer evaluation – feedback from students in class discussions
Each assignment will be given a grade and the average of those assignments will constitute the final course grade. Passing course grade is 60. There will be no final exam.