מסלול הלימודים לתואר מוסמך בביוכימיה

 Msc Study Track in Biochemistry



The program in the biochemistry track is intended for students studying for a master's degree in one of the departments of the Faculty of Life Sciences.


All the required courses in the track will be given in English.



Study program


The study program involves 30 semester hours of required and elective courses, carrying out research work, submitting a thesis and passing a final examination.  


1. Required faculty courses - 10 s/h

Safety in the Laboratory course (during the first year of studies) – no credit

Research Group Seminar – 2 s/h

Departmental seminar for MSc students – each student will participate in the seminar given by the Department in which he/she performs his/her research – 2 s/h each year


One of the courses:



2. Required track courses:


Students must take 8 s/h from the following list of courses:





3 s/h

Advanced Molecular Biology  


3 s/h

Methods in Structural Biology B 


4 s/h Introduction to Structural Biology 0421.3816

3 s/h

Methods in Structural Biology A - not given in 2018/2019


3 s/h

Mechanisms of Enzymatic Catalysis  - not given in 2018/2019


2 s/h

Molecular Biology of Membranes 


3 s/h

Modeling of Biological Networks


* Neither structural biology course is dependent on the other one.


For medical science courses (courses beginning with the digits 01) - http://www.tau.ac.il/medicine/yedion/2018-19/



Basket of elective courses
(from among the Graduate School courses and third-year undergraduate courses)


To make up the total hours for the degree (30 semester hours), courses can be taken from the third year (undergraduate degree, up to 25% of the total credit points), from other tracks in the Graduate School, or from other faculties in fields related to life sciences (medicine, exact sciences). For courses that are not related to life sciences, maximum credit of 4 s/h will be given.


Below are a number of recommended courses:




Molecular signals in processes of division, differentiation and apoptosis


Methods and Concepts in Chemical Biology


Endocrinological control


Genetic engineering


Predicting the structure and action of proteins - not given in 2018/19


Organization, dynamic and signal transfer in cells: imaging and physical approaches


Systems biology - not goven in 2018/2019


Laboratory in molecular biology of the cell


Basic methods in cellular and molecular biology


Manipulation of gene function: from a research tool to Precision Medicine - not given in 2018/2019


Processes of separation into biological products 


Molecular - cloning laboratory - not given in 2018/2019


Selected topics in molecular cell biology



Students who plan to work with lab animals as part of their MSc research must take the course "Principles of using lab animals in biomedical research", given by the medicine faculty (2 s/h).


Study achievements

Continuation from year 1 to year 2 is dependent on the student achieving a passing grade in
all required subjects, and a weighted grade of 75 or above.


Head Of Track

DDr. Iftach Nachman

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