מסלול הלימודים בביולוגיה של התא ובאימונולוגיה

Msc Study Track in Cellular Biology and Immunology 


The Cell Biology and Immunology Track is שמ English track designed to prepare students for future independent careers in research and teaching in cell biology and immunology or related disciplines. The educational program emphasizes interdisciplinary training and collaborative and interactive research, an approach based on the idea that solving difficult problems requires the integration of individuals with common goals but differing expertise. 


As in the Graduate School regulations. However, applicant must find first a mentor from the dept. pull of faculty members of the Faculty of Life Sciences.

Preliminary requirements

One of the following laboratories: biochemistry, microbiology, molecular biology of the cell, genetics or Immunology.

For students with an undergraduate degree in biology in a dual-department track: the following undergraduate courses are viewed by the track views as an essential condition for admission: Cell biology, Molecular biology and biotechnology, Genetics.

Study program

The study program, built for two years of study (4 semesters), includes required and elective courses, research work, submission of a written summary of the research work (MSc thesis) , and defending it in a final examination. The study program totals 30 semester hours, some of  which will be Graduate School courses as detailed below (that is, courses open MSc and PhD students only. Third year undergraduate students will be admitted to these courses with special approval only).

The study program for each student will be approved by the track committee. A supplementary studies program for students coming from other institutions or other faculties will be determined by the track committee.


Head of Track: Prof. Gerardo Lederkremer


The scope of studies for the master's degree is 30 semester hours, according to the following breakdown:


Required faculty courses - 10 s/h

Safety in the Laboratory course (during the first year of studies) – no credit

Group research seminar – 2 s/h

Departmental seminar for MSc students –all students will participate in the seminar given by the Departments in which he performs his research – 2 s/h each year


One of the courses:

Biostatistics – 4 s/h

Statistical principles in experimental biology – 5 s/h



2. Required track courses:





2 s/h

Basic methods in cellular biology and molecular biology


2 s/h

Advanced cell biology: Cellular responses to stress in Health and Disease


2 s/h

Selected chapters in Camcer biology




            Required courses from undergraduate studies - 7 s/h





4 s/h

General immunology


3 s/h

Molecular virology of animal viruses




As these courses are in Hebrew, the subjects can also be studied at the following links:






The teachers of the courses will evaluate acquired knowledge


If these courses have been studied during the undergraduate degree, they will be replaced by elective courses (from the graduate or third year undergraduate degree course), of the same number of hours.

Students whose research paper will include working with animals in the laboratory must take the course: "Principles of the use of laboratory animals in bio-medical research", given by the Faculty of Medicine.


 Elective courses - making up to 30 s/h

Students must make up a total of 30 hours from Graduate School courses and/or undergraduate courses. It is also possible to make up courses from other faculties, with the consent of the student's advisor, but the weight of courses from faculties other than Medicine, Engineering, or Exact Sciences will be no more than 4 semester hours. In any event, the program in its entirety and any changes made to it require the approval of the student's advisor and the track committee.


Table of recommended Graduate School courses for the track:





2 s/h

Selected issues in contemporary genetics A


2 s/h

Principles and use of physical methods in biology


4 s/h Introduction to Structural Biology 0421.3816

4 s/h

Maintaining genome stability in states of health and illness (see the Medicine bulletin)


  Sugars, lectins and Glycobiology - not given in 2018-2019 0452.3125

3 s/h

Intracellular movement: molecular mechanisms (see the Medicine bulletin)


2 s/h

Principles of the use of laboratory animals in bio-medical research (see the Medicine bulletin)


3 s/h Toolbox for research in the Life Sciences 0400.3105
2 s/h Antibody engineering 0453.3388
2 s/h Research approaches in neuroimmunology 0491.3224
  Introduction to Flow Cytometry 0119.5648
2 s/h Systems immunology - not given in 2018/2019 0452.1115


Table of additional elective courses recommended by the track, from the second and third year undergraduate courses:





3 s/h

Immunology laboratory


6 s/h

Laboratory in molecular biology of the cell


  Pathologies in the 21st century 0455.3832

4 s/h

Molecular evolution


4 s/h

Chapters in biotechnology


3 s/h

Dynamic organization and signal transfer in cells - imaging and biophysical approaches


3 s/h

Mapping the brain and brain imaging


4 s/h

Introduction to structural biology


3 s/h

Molecular signals in processes of division, differentiation and apoptosis


3 s/h

Molecular approaches to problems of learning and memory


3 s/h

Human molecular genetics - not given in 2018/19


Courses in medical science (courses beginning with the digits 01).


Researchers that are teachers in the Cell Biology and Immunology Track (+ links)


Uri Ashery

Eran Bacharach

Adi Barzel

Adit Ben‑Baruch

Judith Berman

Marcelo Ehrlich

Orna Elroy‑Stein

Dinorah Friedmann-Morvinski

Gerardo Lederkremer

Lior Mayo

Vered Padler-Karavani

Dan Peer


Other track-affiliated researchers (+ links)


Adi Avni

Irit Gat-Viks

Ehud Gazit

Tal Pupko

Daniel Segal

Reuven Stein

Miguel Weil

Yariv Wine

Daniel Wreschner

Shaul Yalovsky

Assaf Zemach




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