
יחידת ה- MRI
יחידת דימות תהודה מגנטית (MRI) מורחבת במרכז שטראוס
Principal_Investigator Research Topics

Prof. Uri Ashery

Uri Ashery's Lab: Molecular mechanisms of synaptic function under normal and pathological conditions
Prof. Yaniv Assaf

Yaniv Assaf's Lab:  Measuring brain micro-structure with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Prof. Ari Barzilai Genomic instability syndromes, Molecular mechanism of optic nerve regeneration
Dr. Pablo Blinder PBLab:  Understanding the physiology and structure of the neurovascular interface under normal and pathological conditions
Prof. Dan Frenkel Neuroimmunology, Neurodegenration, Role  of glia cells during central nervous system inflammation using models of stroke and Alzheimer's
Prof. Yoav Gothilf Lab: Circadian clock system, Hypothalamic control of reproduction and its development, Zebrafish as a model for Alzheimer's
Prof. Yoav I. Henis Cancer biophysics, Interactions of receptors and signaling proteins that regulate cell proliferation and cancer
Prof. Yoel Kloog Cell growth, Cell surface receptor signaling, Signal transduction mechanisms, Recognition domains and drug design
Prof. Daniel M. Michaelson Alzheimer’s disease, neurodegeneration, apolipoprotein E, b-amyloid, brain inflammation, animal models
Dr. Anan Moran Anan Moran Lab: Deciphering the dynamic code of sensory information processing and its link to behavior
Dr. Ronit Pinkas-Kramarski Neurodegeneration. Receptor tyrosine kinases, Autophagy, NRG and ErbB functions in neurodegeneration, Autophagic cell death
Dr. Oded Rechavi Rechavi Lab:  Novel biological principles by which RNA affects formation of memory and inheritance of complex traits
Dr. Tom Schonberg Tom Schonberg LabStudying the neural basis of behavioral change and decision making in humans using functional MRI ​

Dr. Mark Shein

Evolutionary coding lab: We explore the fundamental principles of population activity organization using reptilian model systems
Prof. Reuven Stein Neurodegeneration/ neuroinflammation and apoptosis, Bcl-2 protein family, Tumor suppressor neurofibromin
Prof. Nava Zisapel Neurobiology, Neuropharmacology, Biological clock, Melatonin, Sleep
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