מסלול הלימודים במיקרוביולוגיה

Msc Study Track Study track in Microbiology



The microbiology track is intended for students with an undergraduate degree in life sciences or a similar field, who meet the criteria for admission for a master's degree in the Faculty of Life Sciences.



Students wishing to register for studies in the microbiology track must have basic knowledge in different fields of life sciences - biochemistry, microbiology, genetics, and immunology. Applicants wishing to study in the microbiology track must register as master's degree students in one of the departments of the Faculty in which research in the field is being carried out. After the departmental master's degree committee approves admission, the student can register for the microbiology track in that department.


Preliminary requirements

Undergraduate courses: microbiology, introduction to molecular biology, and general genetics,.

In addition, one of the four laboratory courses: biochemistry, microbiology, introduction to molecular biology, genetics.


Study program

The study program as detailed here is intended for students whose undergraduate degree is in life sciences or similar subjects. Students from other fields will have a personal program put together, according to their previous studies and taking into account their areas of interest.


Studies for a master's degree - 30 semester hours

1. Required faculty courses - 10 s/h

Safety in the Laboratory course (during the first year of studies) – no credit

Guided reading and discussion in research groups – 2 s/h

Departmental seminar for MSc students – each student will participate in the seminar given by the Department in which he performs his research – 2 s/h each year


One of the courses:


2. Required track courses:

No. Course s/h
0453.4103 Microbial ecology 2 s/h
0453.3391 Separation processes for biological products 2 s/h
0453.3395 Topics in present day microbiology A (track seminar) 1 s/h
0453.4395 Topics in present day microbiology B (track seminar) 1 s/h











3. Required courses from undergraduate studies - 6 s/h

No. Course s/h
0455.3682 Microbial genetics and regulation of gene expression 4 s/h
0455.3032 Molecular biology of infectious diseases from bacterial origin 2 s/h








If these courses were taken during the undergraduate degree, they will be replaced by an equal number of elective course hours.



4. Undergraduate courses that the track views as an essential for admission:


Head Of  Track

Prof. Anat Herskovits 

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