Admissions process for the direct track

Direct PhD track for applicants with a BSc degree


Outstanding students with a BSc degree whose cumulative grade average in the course of their BSc studies is 90 or above may be admitted to a PhD program immediately after completing their BSc.  This program is open to a limited number of students, and admission is on the basis of the BSc record and an interview. Students admitted to this program will receive an increased stipend for the entire period of their studies. The duration of studies in this program is up to five years. Students in the program can choose to do their doctoral work in any of the departments / schools in the Faculty, according to their area of interest.


Applications for this program can be submitted by students in their final year of BSc studies or applicants who have already completed their BSc.


Students fulfilling the admission criteria will be invited for an interview. The admissions committee will evaluate the applicants, and the number of people admitted will be determined according to the quality and the number of places available.         


Study program:

In the first 6 months, the students will be trainees of the Graduate School and will perform two rotations in different laboratories, as well as being required to complete 20 semester hours with an average of at least 90.

After one year, the students will submit a research report on their research activity and will stand for a qualifying exam.

After the qualifying exam and completion of the required coursework with a grade of at least 90, the students' become affiliated with the department / school in which they will continue to carry out their research.

At the end of the second year, the student will be required to submit a research proposal for approval by the supervising PhD committee.

After approval of the research proposal, all the obligations of students in the regular PhD track will apply to the student.

Students are recommended to serve as teaching assistants.

Students in this program will receive an increased stipend from the Graduate School.

Students who do not successfully meet the requirements of the track will be able to complete their studies for a MSc, including submission of the MSc thesis, by the end of the second year.



MSc degree students - direct PhD track


First year MSc students can apply for the direct track if:

  • Their average BSc grade is at least 85.
  • They have studied at least 20 semester hours in the first year of their MSc  with an average grade of at least 90 in these courses.


Students whose average grade in their BSc is lower than 85  may submit a special application for the direct track if, in addition to the conditions detailed above, the student has exceptional achievements, such as a significant contribution to a scientific article, active participation (presentation of a poster or lecture) at an international conference.

The student will submit an application to the faculty PhD committee, with letters of recommendation from the advisor and head of the department / school (two separate letters) detailing the student's achievements and the reasons why he or she is suitable, in their opinion, to study in the direct PhD track. The transcripts should be included with the application. If the faculty PhD committee approves the application, the student may apply for the direct track, in the same way as students meeting the regular terms of admission.


Admission procedures


Acceptance into the direct track is at the end of the first year (of the MSc). The student will submit a research report on their research activity and will stand for a qualifying exam. The qualifying committee comprises a member of the departmental PhD committee and two other members, where it is recommended that one of them come from outside the department / school.

After passing the qualifying exam, the departmental / school PhD committee should evaluate for addmission the applicant.

Students who do not successfully pass the qualifying exam will be able to complete their studies for a MSc degree, including submission of a thesis, by the end of the second year.

At the end of the second year, the student will be required to submit a research proposal for approval by the supervising PhD committee.

After approval of the research proposal, all the obligations of students in the regular PhD track will apply to the student.

Students accepted as research students in the direct track will have the same obligations as students in the regular PhD track.


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